giovedì 8 marzo 2012

Breast Cancer defeated by Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics, the "Professors" not yet!

In spite of thousand peer reviews and million of paramount articles and Editorials, Cancer is today’s growing EPIDEMIC all around the world. As a consequence, there is somethink wrong regarding the so-called epochal advances of international Oncology.

Aiming to lower the number of negative biopsies, and especially aiming to avoid useles breast biopsy, causing Psychological Jatrogenetic Terrorism (1), physicians have to familiarise with the concept of Oncological Terrain, as well as OT-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk, illustrated formerly (1-9), obtaining the best of all results in the war against breast cancer. (2-7). At the following conditions, surely stereotactic- and ultrasonography-guided core needle biopsy procedures will be positive in almost all cases.

Based on 55 year-long, well-established clinical experience, for all women (and men, too!), an original clinical assessment, unavoidable also to breast biopsy, proved to be useful and reliable, utilized in a easy, quick manner, allowing to bedside recognize the presence of maternally-inherited, functional mitochondrial cytopathy, termed Congenital Acidosic-Enzyme Metabolic Histangiopathy, Oncological Terrain, conditio sine qua non of cancer, is based on (1-10).

In fact, it is sufficient ascertaining breast cancer Oncological Terrain-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk, i.e., local microcirculatory remodelling, localized in well-defined breast quadrant(s), and characterized by newborn-pathological, type I, subtype a) oncological, Endoarteriolar Blocking Devices (8, 9).

In addition, testing for mutations of breast cancer susceptibility genes or for their diminished expression adds to our ability to assess breast cancer risk at an individual level. Really, we cannot localise in one, or more, mamma quadrant the possible breast cancer risk in BRCA 1 and BRCA 2, as well as a lot of other gene mutations-positive women (and men!).

Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics (, Breast Cancer in Practical Application; Oncological Terrain, and allows doctor to recognize firstly oncological terrain in a quantitative way, and then, but “not” in all cases, of course, breast cancer inherited real risk. As a matter of fact, individuals with oncological terrain do not show generally real risk in all biological systems (3). Interestingly, the absence of both Oncological Terrain and breast oncological “Inherited Real Risk”, the later in a subject with Oncological Terrain, excludes beyond every doubt the possibility of occurrence of breast cancer (2, 3-8). As a consequence, we can perform nowadays an efficacious clinical, primary prevention of breast cancer (4), on very large scale, based on the Single Patient Based Medicine (5, 10).

Finally, “real” sentinel lymphonodes are trigger-points for autoimmune syndrome, bedside diagnosed in a few seconds (3, 4)

Regarding the therapyof Oncological Terrain-Dependent Inherited Real Risk, I invite the readers to visit above-mentioned websites. In a few words, under Mediterranean Diet, etymologically speaking, Melatonin-Coniugated, according to Di Bella – Ferrari (or other efficient Melatonin), Thermal Sulfidrilic Water (I have studied the water of “La Puzzola, Porretta Terme, Bologna); a unique application of Cem Tech a russish quantum-devices, Oncological Terrain and Oncological Inherited Real Risk disappear, allowing me to state that Breast Cancer is defeated by Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics, the “Professors” not yet!


1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.

2) Stagnaro Sergio. Overloking Oncological Terrain and oncological Real Risk, no paper is up-dated! 18 January 2008, Annals of Internal Medicine

Stagnaro Sergio. There is another clinical, and overlooked tool, reliable in breast cancer prognosis evaluation, BioMed Central, 2005.

4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Cancro della mammella: : prevenzione primaria e diagnosi precoce con la percussione ascoltata. Gazz. Med. It.; Arch. Sc. Med. 152, 447, 1993.

5) Stagnaro Sergio. A new way in the war against breast cancer, fortunately.

Breast Cancer Res 2005,. http://breast-cancer

4) Stagnaro Sergio. Rinaldi’s Sign in bedside Diagnosing Di Bella’s Oncological Terrain, and overt Cancer, solid and liquid. Lectio Magistralis, II Convegno Nazionale della SISBQ, Chiusi (Siena), 28-29 maggio 2011.

5) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M. Single Patient Based Medicine. La Medicina Basata sul Singolo Paziente: Nuove Indicazioni della Melatonina. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2005.

6) Stagnaro Sergio. "Genes, Oncological Terrain, and Breast Cancer". World Journal of Surgical Oncology., 2005,

7) Stagnaro Sergio Mitochondrial Bed-Side Evaluation: a new Way in the War against Cancer (21 December 2005). Cancer Cell International

8) Stagnaro Sergio. Reale Rischio Semeiotico Biofisico. I Dispositivi Endoarteriolari di Blocco neoformati, patologici, tipo I, sottotipo a) oncologico, e b) aspecifico. Ediz. Travel Factory,, Roma, 2009.

9) Caramel S., Stagnaro S. The role of mitochondria and mit-DNA in Oncogenesis.; Quantum Biosystems 2010, 2, 221-248

10) Stagnaro Sergio. Quantum biophysical semeiotics. NeuroQuantology | September 2011 | Vol 9 | Issue 3 | Page 459467.

11) Sergio Stagnaro and Simone Caramel (2011). The genetic Reversibility in Oncology, Journal of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics,

12) Sergio Stagnaro. Oncological Terrian’s Paramount Role in Fighting Cancer . 2012 MENA Health World, January 2012, Vol. 1, Pg 16.

Bedside Evaluating Colorectal Cancer Oncological Terrain-Dependent, Inherited Real Risk, plays a central Role in Primary Prevention.

In cancer Primary Prevention,including colorectal cancer (1), doctors around the world need a clinical tool that helps them in bed side recognizing,starting from the birth, on very large scale and in apparently healthy individuals, genetical errors, e.g., hyperinsulinemia-insulinresistance, melatonine and SST deficiency, metabolic disorders, prevalence of stress axis, a.s.o., which either bring about or aggravate n-DNA as well as mit-DNA alterations, as those observed in cancer cells(1-8). In fact, our target, i.e., colorectal cancer primary prevention surely better than cancer screening, can be reached hopefully if doctors are able to ascertain or at least suspect at the bed-side in apparently healthy subjects chromosomal aberrations before malignancy on-set (1-12). In other words, physicians must recognize and quantify clinically both Oncological Terrain and inherited colorectal cancer Real Risk, based on newborne-pathological, type I, subtype a), oncological, colon endoarteriolar Blocking Devices (See, Physiology and Pathology) (2-8). As a working hypothesis, I thought previously that all chromosomal alterations, of whatever nature, are necessarily accompanied with similar microvascular modification of the local microcirculatory bed, both structural and functional in nature, in subject involved by abnormalities of pschyco-neuro-endocrinological-immune system (6). As a matter of fact, both genetical and environmental factors induce contemporaneously parenchymal and microvascular cells alterations, according to the well-known concept of Tiscedorf's Angiobiotopie, I completed with that of Angiobiopathy (6). As a consequence, in all researches on colorectal cancer primary prevention, we must enrolle exclusively individuals positive for Oncological Terrain AND inherited colorectal cancer Real Risk, conditio sine qua non of oncogenesis. Now, fortunately, thanks to Biophysical Semeiotics (ibidem), we can evaluate clinically microcirculatory bed structure and function in a precise manner and therefore microcirculatory remodelling, oncological inherited Real Risk is based on (6-12).

My 51-year-long "clinical" experience allows me to state that the decline in cancer rates all over the world could be more intense when scientists will think over and discuss the possibility that exists the Oncological Terrain and Inherited Oncological Real Risk, conditio sine qua non of oncogenesis (9-12). As a matter of fact, e.g., not all smokers are involved by pulmonary cancer, as well as not all people with chronic hepatitis will die of hepatocarcinoma. On the other side, in some families malignancies occur more frequently than in others. Actually, as I described in the above-mentioned papers, there are other causes that accounts for the reason of existence of the oncological "real" risk, i.e. oncological terrain.

From the above remarks, the following critical comment is really useful:

Guidance Statement 1 ACP recommends that clinicians perform individualized assessment of risk for colorectal cancer in all adults..... involved by Oncological Terrain-Dependent Inherited Real Risk of colorectal cancer!

Guidance Statement 2 ACP recommends that clinicians screen for colorectal cancer in average-risk adults starting at the age of 50 years and in high-risk adults starting at the age of 40 years or 10 years younger. Not at all. We are able to bedside evaluate Oncological Terrain-Dependent Inherited Real Risk of colorectal cancer, and its evolution, possible also in younger!

Guidance Statement 3: ACP recommends using a stool-based test, flexible sigmoidoscopy, or optical colonoscopy as a screening test in patients who are at average risk. Not at all. We must use these diagnostic tools when and if necessary, according to above cited data of physical examination!

Guidance Statement 4: ACP recommends that clinicians stop screening for colorectal cancer in adults over the age of 75 years or in adults with a life expectancy of less than 10 years. Not at all. If I, 80 year-old, woul be involved by Oncological Terrain-Dependent Inherited Real Risk of colorectal cancer or cancer I would need the most up-dated therapy!


1)Sergio Stagnaro. Stagnaro's *Sign in detecting every gastrointestinal Disorder, even initial or symptomless. Journal of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics. 28 July, 2011.

2) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Semeiotica Biofisica del torace, della circolazione ematica e dell'anticorpopoiesi acuta e cronica. Acta Med. Medit. 13, 25 1997

3) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Semeiotica Biofisica: la manovra di Ferrero-Marigo nella diagnosi clinica della iperinsulinemia-insulino resistenza. Acta Med. Medit. 13, 125 1997

4) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S., Semeiotica Biofisica: valutazione clinica del picco precoce della secrezione insulinica di base e dopo stimolazione tiroidea, surrenalica, con glucagone endogeno e dopo attivazione del sistema renina-angiotesina circolante e tessutale - Acta Med. Medit. 13, 99.

5) Stagnaro S., Sindrome percusso-ascoltatoria di Iperfunzione del Sistema Reticolo-Istiocitario. Min. Med. 74, 479, 1983 (Medline)

6) Stagnaro-Neri M., Stagnaro S. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno Oncologico. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.

7) Stagnaro Sergio. Reale Rischio Semeiotico Biofisico. I Dispositivi Endoarteriolari di Blocco neoformati, patologici, tipo I, sottotipo a) oncologico, e b) aspecifico. Ediz. Travel Factory,, Roma, 2009.

8) Stagnaro S. Rimodellamento Microvascolare, Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche e Reale Rischio Semeiotico-Biofisico. Ruolo dei Dispositivi Endoarteriolari di Blocco neoformati-patologici, 10/4/2007,

9) Sergio Stagnaro and Simone Caramel (2011). The genetic Reversibility in Oncology, Journal of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics,

10) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Oncological Terrain, conditio sine qua non of Oncogenesis, 2004:

11) Stagnaro S. Cancer Risk Factors and Oncological Terrain. 2006.

12) Sergio Stagnaro and Simone Caramel (2012) New ways in physical Diagnostics: Brain Sensor Bedside Evaluation. The Gandolfo's Sign. January, 2012. Journal of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics.