martedì 24 gennaio 2012

Stagnaro’s *Sign in Recognizing gastrointestinal Disorders, even initial or symptomless, regardless of their Nature.

The definition of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics – QBS - was coined by my friend Paolo Manzelli (1) (See Bibliography in the site
The use of quantum mechanics evolution applied to biology, has finally illuminated the nature of complex pathogenic mechanisms underlying several QBS signs, utilizing quantum entanglement, after a long wait for a satisfactory explanation that the reductive deterministic mechanics has not been able to provide because of his limited world view, considered to be formed only by Matter and
Vibratory Energy, ignoring completely the Energy-Information (2-4).
In previous articles I have clinically demonstrated that in biological systems it does exist the non local reality next to the local one, in which different is the nature of the transmission of Energy-Information, this transmission present in truth only in the second case where there is consumption of energy and of time in information processing (1-4).
In contrast, in the non-local reality, characterized by a matrix space / time, but with four dimensional and 2DS 2DT, based on "Entanglement Theory", the information is simultaneously transmitted by resonance and is made without any transfer.
"This is for example when two simultaneous actions occurring at the same time, as when firecracker explodes at a distance while others shine resonance firecrackers quite distant, but it has been possible to transfer any of sparks" (Manzelli, personal communication).
The use of these new concepts of Quantum Biophysics in Medicine proved to be of essential importance in-depth understanding of many signs, syndromes and QBS tests, and especially in the
diagnosis, in the therapeutic monitoring, in research, as evidenced now by a considerable literature

Stagnaro’ Sign.
It is generally admitted that gastrointestinal disorders, not dependent of their nature, are recognized
later if symptomless or initial. On the other hand, the best therapeutic results are obtained if diagnosis is done early. In following a paramount sign, easy to apply at the bedside, which proved to be reliable in my long clinical experience, is fully described.
In health, "intense" stimulation (= pinching) of the skin, located immediately above the jugulum, along middle line of the neck, is not accompanied "simultaneously" by the gastric aspecific reflex. (Fig. 1). Physician is allowed to exclude gastrointestinal disorder.

Figure 1

On the contrary, in the presence of whatever disorder of gastroistestinal tract, independent of its nature, inflammation, cystic, oncological, etc.. "simultaneously" to the stimulation physician observes the gastric aspecific reflex, whose intensity correlates with the severity of the underlying disorder: a positive Stagnaro’s Sign.
Interestingly, in the presence of gastro-intestinal cancer, the reflex is immediately followed by the typical tonic Gastric Contraction (5, 47 - 49). We must be cautious because also in presence of Appendicitis such a tonic Gastric Contraction is present (51-53).
At this point, having established the presence of a gastrointestinal disorder, the physician should
proceed with the investigation of its location, diagnosing the exact nature, based on awful number
of signs, part of them specific, provided by the Quantum Biophysical Semiotics (1-38).

Since 2007, Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics was greatly enhanced and made more effective by the
contribution afforded by quantum physics, both in terms of clinical research, and on that of the daily
practical application, so that the boundaries of his domain had a great expansion .
It is well known, for example, that so far the clinical diagnosis of whatever gastrointestinal disorder
is often difficult at the bedside, especially if in initial or symptomless stages.
In fact, it is very difficult clinical diagnosis, made out on the basis of reports of symptomatology
for imaging, from laboratory and histology test. Notoriously, the traditional physical semeiotics does not allow the medical finding of Inherited Real Risk of common disorders, including tumors, malignant or benign.
However, based on personal experience with the Quantum Biophysical Semiotics, I am authorized
to state that in the future can be detected for much more numerous cases of disorders in initial stage, when doctors around the world will be able to use the original semiotics, which allows faster thegeneric diagnosis of malignant vascular tumor, whose precise diagnosis will be made in a timely manner in subjects rationally selected on the basis of several clinical signs of malignancy. As for the easiest method to use, just remember that "mean to moderate" digital pressure, applied directly over whatever biological system projection, through the numerous signs and QBS maneuvers, as gastric aspecific reflex, followed by tonic Gastric Contraction, complete SIRSI, Domenichini Sign, Daneri’s Sign with duration of 4.5 sec. , an increase of Acute Phase Proteins, Acute antibody
synthesis, local microcirculatory activation type II, and III, dissociated, etc. (20-50)

On the contrary, if the stimulation exerted on any gastrointestinal tract, particularly practical is "intense" pinching of the skin, located immediately above the jugulum, along middle line of the neck, it causes in the related tissue associated microcirculatory activation, type I, Energy Vibratory
(ATP) increases and thus an higher EI, pure and catalytic energy: the reality in the biological system is both local and non-local one.
For the phenomenon of resonance, a possible bone lesion at a distance is "simultaneously" stimulated, producing a number of reflections (gastric aspecific reflex followed by tonic Gastric Contraction just in case there is cancer), depending on the nature of the disease itself.

Stagnaro’s Sign is based on quantum scientific knowledge, characterized by entanglement, which
allows to exclude just in one second the presence of gastrointestinal diseases. In fact, once recognized in just a second the presence of a gastrointestinal lesion, physician has to ascertain its
real nature. Thus, doctor will locate the alteration and accurately diagnose the cause based on the
many signs provided by the Quantum Biophysical Semiotics.


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* Dedicated to myself, for the 55 year-long effort to develop physical semeiotics in the Ages of
technological Medicine

* By
Sergio Stagnaro MD
Via Erasmo Piaggio 23/8,
16039 Riva Trigoso (Genoa) Italy
Founder of Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics,
Honorary President of International Society of
Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics (SISBQ)
Who's Who in the World (and America)
since 1996
Ph 0039-0185-42315
Cell. 3338631439

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